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Have you ever been to a holiday event without knowing many people there? Yeah… there can definitely be some moments of standing around or awkward silence. Luckily, there are ways you can create conversation without stepping on anyone’s toes – here are some ways you can do so!


1.     Remind yourself it’s not awkward

Meeting new people at events is typical, especially during the holidays. Approaching someone for a little chat doesn’t need to be weird! The situation will only be awkward if you make it awkward. Go into the conversation with confidence, energy, and a good attitude. And hopefully, they’ll return the favor!


2.    Introduce yourself

This is clearly self-explanatory but it’s always good to let people know who you are and a little bit about yourself. Start with your name, mention a little fun fact about yourself, and toss the conversation their way. 


3.    Break the ice

A good ol’ fashioned ice breaker never hurt anybody! Think of some questions you can ask, like what TV show are you binge-watching right now? Or what are some of your favorite movies of all time? Who knows, you may discover a new film to watch next time you have a night in.



4.    Follow up about another topic

See a familiar face? This is the perfect time to follow up and see what they’ve been up to. Referencing something relevant to your previous conversation always helps, like how their new dog is doing!

See a familiar face? This is the perfect time to follow up and see what they’ve been up to. Referencing something relevant to your previous conversation always helps, like how their new dog is doing!

Important note – stick to broad questions!

The worst feeling is when you ask someone about their relationship, and they aren’t with that person anymore (that is definitely awkward). When you ask broader questions about work or hobbies, you’ll most likely steer clear of uncomfortable territory.


5.    Keep it light

There’s a time and place for intense or controversial conversations, but holiday parties aren’t it. We get it – there’s always that one uncle who wants to ‘stir the pot’ and bring up politics but try not to get caught up in those shenanigans.

3 Great Conversation Starters

Sometimes just starting the conversation can be a little difficult – you may feel weird bringing up random topics but here are some questions that can start a solid conversation:

1.        How was your year?

o   Start a conversation with a question asking them to reflect on their year as a whole – such as, what is your favorite thing you’ve done or place you’ve visited?

2.       What are your plans for the holidays?

o   Whether it’s trekking from one party to the next, or going out of town with family, people always have a lot going on during the holiday season. Tell someone about your fun plans and their response will kick off a conversation!


3.       Any refreshments, in particular, I should try?

o   If you haven’t tried any food yet, spot a guest with a plate and ask which appetizer they recommend. This is such an easy way to start a conversation, and it’s all thanks to food!