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New Year’s Eve is the perfect transitional event to help your kids squeeze in that last little bit of holiday fun before their days go back to regularly scheduled programming. Plus, when you stay in and celebrate as a family, you can make your own fun for cheap! We’ve gathered some cheap (and free) family-friendly ideas to help you keep the party going right up til midnight, but only if everyone can keep their eyes open that long.
Get Things Started

While everyone gets into the mood of the evening, start out with a little game that’s perfect for families who think they know each other well. To play “Who Made the Resolution?” all you need are strips of paper, pens or pencils, and a hat. Have each person write down a resolution they’ve made in the past or that they’re making for the new year and toss it into the hat. After everyone has added one (or two, if you’re a small group), have each person draw one resolution from the hat and read it aloud. Then the group has to guess who made that resolution.
DIY Party Snacks

There’s no need to go all out ahead of time with party-sized food prep when you’re celebrating with the fam at home! Get the kids involved in the menu selection and then put them to work in the kitchen as part of the evening’s events. Parade Magazine has a slide show of 60 Kid-Friendly Appetizers for New Year’s Eve that has simple somethings for everyone to enjoy on the big night.
DIY Party Hats

When you party at home, you don’t have to dress to the nines. But you definitely need a party hat! With this easy wikiHow and craft supplies from around the house, everyone can make their own: How to Make a Party Hat.
For Those Who Just Can’t Stay Up…

The magic of streaming provides an easy out if you or your kids must stick to a regular sleep schedule or else… Pre-recorded New Year’s Eve Countdowns have all the excitement of counting down to midnight and none of the droopy eyelids! You can find links on The Everymom blog 5 New Year’s Eve Countdowns to Stream for Kids.
You can make the countdown extra festive by pouring some sparkling apple cider or Shirley Temples to toast at “midnight” or midnight! And don’t forget to reset your clocks if you have littles who can read that bright “12:00” on the clock face.

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