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When you were young, it was probably hard to understand how special time with your grandparents really was. You probably enjoyed their visits because they did a great job gifting you some money or giving you sweets, even when your parents said no. But now that you’re an adult, you can enjoy and appreciate spending more intentional time with them. Here are a few ways to connect with some of the most important people in your life.



1.     Interview them

Dedicate time to sit down and to get to know your grandparents! Jot down some questions that you always wanted to know the answers to, but never taken the chance to ask before. Below are some sample questions to get your interview started:

–         What is your favorite childhood memory?

–         If you could go to any country, where would it be and why?

–         What is one piece of advice you’d give your younger self?

Your grandma and grandpa will be delighted to spend quality time with you – actually, they will feel honored, knowing they are an important ‘guest!’


2.    Sit with them at Thanksgiving dinner

We understand that it’s fun to catch up and sit with your siblings and cousins, but this is primetime that can be spent with grandma and grandpa. Keep them company and ask about past Thanksgiving dinner traditions or ones that have changed.


3.    Take a trip down memory lane

Just like the saying: “a picture is worth a thousand words,” picture frames and photobooks are a sweet way to reminisce with your grandmother and grandfather. These nostalgic photos will bring back memories about growing up and becoming the person they are now. Talk about the stories behind the photos and the emotions they felt.



4.    Engage in their favorite activity

If you’ve received multiple knitted sweaters or scarves from your nana, that’s probably one of her favorite hobbies. Join her by doing an activity she loves – you never know, she may be able to teach you a thing or two. Does your grandad enjoy fishing? Plan a day to go to a local lake and catch some fish together!


5.    Activities for little ones

Grandparents love spending time with their grandchildren – here are some fun and interactive activities they can do together!


a.    Read a book with them

After your little ones finally get some downtime, have them read a book with their nana and papa. Each person can take turns reading a page, making it fun! Let them use their imagination and add a different voice for individual characters or the narrator of the book. 

b.    Do a craft

Most children love to draw. They’d sit around a table with crayons, markers, and paper all day if they could. Let grandma and grandpa crash the coloring party so they can do it together! After the masterpiece is finished, date it and keep it as a souvenir.

c.    Make a family tree

Have the kids draw a tree with different branches so their grandparents can create their own personal family tree! This is a great opportunity for them to learn that their aunts, uncles, cousins, and parents are all related.