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Baby, it’s cold outside! All that motivation for getting healthy in the new year is now facing deterrents like chilling temps, snow, and torrential rains. With all that weather working against our dreams of getting bolder-better-faster-stronger, let’s review some realistic tips for staying healthy or getting healthy during the coldest months of the year.
Stay Clean

All of us who’ve slacked off since the early COVID-19 days of washing our hands while singing “Happy Birthday” may need a reminder—washing hands with soap and warm water often throughout the day is an important element for fighting off illness. It’s one of the easy ways to help keep germs and viruses out of our bodies and homes, which brings us to another tip…
Clean and sanitize surfaces around home and workplace regularly. A container of cleaning wipes can be helpful for wiping down our desks, countertops, phones, and other items in our personal workspaces. We can do the same at home, or use soap and water, or sanitizing sprays to wipe off tabletops, kitchen counters and doorknobs, appliance handles, light switches, etc.
Eat the Rainbow

The holidays are a high calorie time of year for most of us! Parties, family dinners, treats at work, pitch-ins where food and drinks are the center of the celebration can get us off track from good eating habits. The new year is the perfect time to recommit to healthier foods so choose water over sweet, calorie-filled drinks at least some of the time and remember to eat the rainbow. Take in a variety of fruits and veggies throughout the day to fuel the body with nutrients it needs to function well.
Get Moving

When the weather outside is frightful, find ways to exercise indoors. If the pull to hibernate under cozy blankets is strong, start with some light yoga stretches to get the blood moving before nap time takes over. Have a hula hooping competition with the kids in the living room. Do jumping jacks during commercial breaks while watching TV. Or turn on the radio and have a one-song dance party before lunch. A little movement everyday can make a notable difference over time.
If you’re thinking about more ways to bring a fitness regimen indoors, Aaron’s has a selection of  rent to own products specifically for at-home workouts so we can shop for smart fitness gear like bikes, mirrors, treadmills and rowers from a collection of exercise equipment that includes FREE delivery. How’s that for motivation? The tools we need can come right to us before all that new-year motivation disappears.