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Have you ever opened your freezer only to find your food items covered with frost? Freezer frost can be a hassle, but fear not — we’re here to shed light on why your freezer is frosting up and what you can do to prevent it from happening again.

Is Frost Build-Up Bad?

While a thin layer of frost is normal, excessive build-up can impact your freezer’s efficiency. It can lead to increased energy consumption and potentially affect the overall performance of the appliance. Addressing the root cause is key to maintaining a frost-free freezer.

Door Seal Issues

One common culprit for freezer frost is a compromised door seal. If the seal is damaged or not properly sealing, warm air can enter the freezer, leading to condensation and eventual frost build-up. Check the seal for any visible damage and replace it if necessary.

Temperature Fluctuations

Frequent temperature fluctuations inside the freezer can result in frost buildup. Make sure the freezer temperature is set at the recommended level and that the thermostat is set properly. Avoid leaving the door open for extended periods.


If your freezer is suddenly full of frost, it might be a sign that you’ve overloaded it. Overpacked freezers restrict proper airflow, causing moisture to build up and freeze over. Consider rearranging items to allow for better air circulation.

How to Get Rid of Freezer Frost

If your freezer is already covered in frost, follow these steps to remove it:

  1. Turn off the freezer and unplug it.
  2. Remove all items and store them in a cooler or another freezer.
  3. Give the freezer time to defrost.
  4. Clean the interior thoroughly once the frost has melted.

Refrigerators and Freezers from Aaron’s

If your freezer is having more problems than a simple defrost can fix, Aaron’s has a HUGE selection of refrigerators and freezers from top brands. Plus, with our affordable rent to own payment plans, you can get the appliances you need without breaking the bank!